CS373 Spring 2020: Yichen Zhang
What did you do this past week?
We wrapped up Phase 2 early this week. Due to procrastination over the spring break, partly due to COVID-19, we had to cram a lot of work within the last 48 hours right before the project was due. Then on Wednesday, we had an exam. It went well. The good thing was Dr. Downing figured out how to assign us to breakout rooms with our team. We helped each other out and in the end, I believe everybody passed all tests. After all, it was a fun experience. This past week was very different than any week in college. All courses were shifted to remote instruction. Nearly all courses provide recordings for students, which allows us to take lectures at times of our convenience and review lectures to clear up any confusion.
What’s in your way?
The semester restarted with a lot of assignments. I have a Computer Vision assignment, a Cloud Computing assignment and SWE Phase 3 due in the coming two weeks. I want to finish CV as early as possible so that I can focus on Phase 3. I need to solve some problems with Phase 3 mentioned yesterday by our TA and look into sorting, searching and probably more CICD and testing.
What will you do next week?
I’m planning on getting CV assignment done by Monday. We need to get a head start on Phase 3. I already started working with the frontend. Hopefully, Phase 3 will be done later this week.
What was your experience of Test #1b?
I didn’t have an issue with Proctorio as many fellow students did. Actually, Proctorio didn’t work when I tried to access the quiz in the test lecture. I fixed it by reinstalling it to my Chrome. Test #1b was really fun. Our team went ahead trying to solve as many problems as possible on our own. Then after about 20 minutes, we began to share screens and explain to one another solutions and make sure everyone passed all the tests.
What made you happy this week?
I figured out pagination by using useEffect function. I’m not a functional programming guy. But learning how to use some functional tools to solve problems is fun. Other than that, cooking at home every day made me happy.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
I don’t think I have anything to share. I’m still trying to figure out some Computer Vision maths related to Camera Calibration. I didn’t get to learn a lot of new things this week.